Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lord, I Love You

Lord , I love you ,
Lord of all ,
I love the way you follow fall
With winter and with Christmas time
And inspire men like me to rhyme .

Lord , I love you ,
Lord of Earth ,
I love the day of your son's birth
And will forever cherish Yuletide
Until I am an angel a-bowing at your side .

C is for Christmas

C is for Christ, Son of God, and Lord of Love.
H is for Heaven, blessing each and all from above.
R is for Remembering the words to your favorite carol.
I is for the Icicles hanging inside every barrel.
S is for Stockings stuffed up to the knee.
T is for the Tinsel that Mom wrapped 'round the tree.
M is for Mistletoe hung from the wall.
A is for my Advent Calendars that decorate the hall.
S is for Santa and his eight reindeer.
E is for the Eggnog that fills us with cheer.
V is for Visiting all our family and friends.
E is for Everyone who is sad when Christmas ends.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Sister My Friend

Sister, we've been there through life's sorrow and pain
But together we have always endured the strain
We've argued and bickered and made each other mad
But if you weren't my sister, life would be so sad
We've cried till we laughed and laughed till we cried
Sometimes for no reason we didn't even know why
When we're not together our bond is just as strong
Because we are  bro sisters we know when something is wrong
We've whispered our deepest secrets only both of us could share
I love my sister dearly because she really cares
So whether we are together or we are far apart
Vell, you're my sister, my friend and forever in my heart.

I Want to Be Just Like You

In a time when fathers are totally absent,
gone most of the time,
or physically present but mentally distracted,
you are there for me—
looking at me, listening to me
understanding me, talking with me.
You make time for me
even when it’s inconvenient for you.
You make me feel important to you.
I learn from you when you teach me,
when I watch you do things,
and when I observe you
just being you—a terrific father.
Every affectionate smile you give me,
every pat on the back, every hug
shows me you love me,
that you’re proud of me.
These are things I’ll remember
to do for my own kids.
You’re a great role model, Dad.
I want to be just like you.

The Perfect Father

I love you because you're my father,
But you're really so much more;
You're a guide and a companion;
You and I have great rapport.
You pay attention to me;
You listen to what I say.
You pass on words of wisdom,
Helping me along the way.
Whenever I'm in trouble,
You always have a plan.
You are the perfect father,
And I'm your biggest fan!

Hero Dad

You are my hero, Dad
You're my secure foundation.
When I think of you, I'm filled with love
And fond appreciation.
You make me feel protected;
I'm sheltered by your care.
You're always my true friend; and Dad,
When I need you, you're always there.
You have a place of honor
Deep within my heart.
You've been my superhero, Dad,
Right from the very start.

Life Lessons

You may have thought I didn't see,
Or that I hadn't heard,
Life lessons that you taught to me,
But I got every word.
Perhaps you thought I missed it all,
And that we'd grow apart,
But Dad, I picked up everything,
It's written on my heart.
Without you, Dad, I wouldn't be
The man I am today;
You built a strong foundation
No one can take away.
I've grown up with your values,
And I'm very glad I did;
So here's to you, dear father,
From your forever grateful kid.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

All i want for Christmas

All i want for Christmas is you ,
Too have a perfect Christmas with you and this year gonna be the first time Celebrate my Christmas without you.
There's no more you but i still keep you in my heart and never forget about you .
You leave me without any goodbye and kiss on your last day ,
leave me without any hug from you .
I know you always upon the sky watching me down here .
I will make you proud and i will a better man for you like what you want .
I will be the hero for my love one .
Both of you are my sun and sky that always watching us down here .
If i could ask God to send you back here will you come back for me ?